SuperKleen 200 completely removes cured plastisol inks, most water based inks, flock lettering and adhesives from all textiles. SuperKleen 200 removes grease and oil stains as well. Its unique oxygenated formula leaves fabric free of any trade of the ink smudge. SuperKleen 200 is crystal clear in color.
• Most powerful spot cleaning fluid manufactured.
• Does not contain any petroleum distillates.
• Fast Drying
• Does not contain any acetone or other ketones.
• No flashpoint detected.
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Kings Mountain Screen Services, LLC
As customers are aware, prices are changing every day. Groceries, gas, and supplies among other things are seeing an almost daily increase. KMSS is experiencing the same thing from its vendors. As orders are requested, a quote will be given by the end of the day. KMSS will honor the quote given. Prices seen here on the website are fluid at this time. KMSS apologizes for any inconvenience as we all maneuver through this changing time.
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